The goods will be shipped from Chaozhou, China, the place of origin, within 3 natural days after placing the order.
After we send the goods to China, they will be transported in China by Chinese express companies. After customs clearance at the Chinese customs clearance location, they will wait for the flight. After arriving at the customs clearance location in your country, they will be forwarded by UPS or DHL. We will send you the shipping number and add it to your order.
Our products are sold to all countries and regions in the world. All countries and regions charge 25USD postage per shopping cart. All products are free of postage if the shopping cart is more than 200USD. Due to special reasons, freight cannot be carried out smoothly in some countries and regions. Please consult us before placing an order. It takes about 8 to 14 days to the United States, Canada, Australia and European countries.The product price and shipping cost include the tariffs for delivery to the destination country. We will complete all customs clearance procedures and deliver the package directly to you.